Two Taken To Hospital After Accident South Of Sioux Center

Sioux Center, Iowa– A Hawarden teen and a Sioux Center man were taken to the hospital after an accident near Sioux Center on Tuesday, February 7, 2023.

The Iowa State Patrol reports that at about 5:35 p.m., 18-year-old Jacqueline Topete of Hawarden was driving a 2011 Chevy SUV northbound on Highway 75, near Sioux Feed at B46. They tell us that 27-year-old Irving Dominguez Salais of Sioux Center was northbound on 75 in a 2010 Ford SUV. They report that 33-year-old Irma Lopez Lopez of Colorado Springs, CO was driving a 2010 Ford pickup northbound on 75.

The report says that Lopez Lopez was stopped waiting to turn left onto B46. Dominguez Salais was stopped right behind the Lopez Lopez pickup. It says Topete did not see that the other two vehicles were stopped right in front of her and was unable to stop. She rear-ended Dominguez Salais’s SUV, causing it to slide forward and strike the rear of the Lopez Lopez pickup.

The Sioux Center Ambulance took both Topete and Dominguez Salais to the Sioux Center Health Hospital. Lopez Lopez did not report any injuries.

Topete’s Chevy SUV sustained $6000 in damages. Dominguez Salais’s Ford SUV sustained $5000 in damages. Lopez Lopez’s Ford pickup sustained $1500 in damages.

Topete was charged with failure to stop in assured clear distance. Dominguez Salais was charged with driving without a license.


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