George Man Rolls Car, Is Arrested

Doon, Iowa — A report of a rollover accident near Doon had fire, rescue, and ambulance personnel all headed to the scene.

The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office reports that about 8:15 a.m. on Sunday, 20-year-old Keaton Wessels of George had been in a rollover accident at an unknown location. They say it appears he then drove to a driveway and parked the vehicle.

When he was able to exit the vehicle, Wessels was arrested for OWI 1st Offense and was transported to the Lyon County Jail.

Deputies say his 1999 Dodge pickup sustained about $6000 in damages.

The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office reports that the Sioux County Sheriff’s Office, the Iowa State Patrol, the Doon Fire and Rescue departments, and the Lyon County Ambulance Squad assisted them with the response to the accident.
