Larchwood Woman Charged With Felony Domestic Abuse Assault

Larchwood, Iowa — A Larchwood woman faces a felony charge after an incident early Wednesday morning (April 22nd) at her residence.

According to authorities, the charge against 41-year-old Angela Hanson is the result of their investigation of an alleged domestic assault that occurred at Hanson’s residence. She is accused of pulling out clumps of her live-in boyfriend’s hair during an argument.

Hanson reportedly told deputies that she had pulled out her boyfriend’s hair after he allegedly pushed her down. Deputies say they could find no evidence of the boyfriend pushing Hanson down.

Hanson was placed under arrest and transported to the Lyon County Jail in Rock Rapids, charged with Domestic Abuse Assault, 3rd or Subsequent Offense, which is a Class D Felony. Court records indicate that Hanson has been convicted of domestic assault on at least four prior occasions, and allegedly has numerous violation of protection order arrests on her record, as well.

If convicted, Hanson faces a possible prison sentence of up to five years.

