George, Iowa — A pile of ground hay and a building were damaged in a fire on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, near George.
According to George Assistant Fire Chief Josh Eben, about 9:10 p.m., the George Fire Department was called to the report of a hay fire near a building at 2323 Indian Avenue, five miles west and two south of George.
The assistant chief says the fire department saw a pile of ground hay burning near a building as they approached the scene. He says they fought the fire by pulling the hay apart and applying water.
Assistant Chief Eben says no injuries were reported.
The fire department was assisted by the Rock Rapids Fire Department. He tells us they provided water and manpower.
He says the cause of the fire appeared to have been sparks from a tub grinder. He says they had been grinding hay earlier.
Assistant Chief Eben reports that the building’s wall and the hay were the only things damaged. He says the damage to the building was minor.
According to Eben, the firefighters who responded were on the scene for about two hours.