Council To Deal With Resignations & Appointments

Sheldon, Iowa — When the Sheldon City Council meets this Wednesday, December 19th they will act on several resignations and appointments. The Council will be asked to accept the resignation of Assistant Recreation Director Monse Figuerroa, the resignation of Dave Van Beest as Street Superintendent, and resignation of Dave Popkes from the Airport Commission. They will also be asked to authorize the hiring of Krista Bousema and Eric Meinecke as part-time reserve police officers.

Other business includes consideration of the five year Capital Improvement Plan for the Sheldon Regional Airport, discussion of dates for Budget Workshops, and hear a report regarding the City of Archer ambulance service. They will also confirm or reschedule the first meeting in January that is normally held on the first Wednesday of the month which would be January 2nd.

Wednesday’s Council meeting will begin at 4:30 in the upper level of the Sheldon Community Services Center.


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