2nd Annual Suicide Prevention Event Planned

Sheldon, Iowa — Many people are affected by Mental Health, have lost a loved one to suicide, or know someone else who has. More than 38,000 Americans die by suicide every year. That’s 105 Americans a day, or one person every 12 minutes.  In the U.S., suicide rates are highest during the spring. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds and 2nd for 24 to 35-year-olds.

The objective of the 2nd Annual “Breaking the Silence” – Suicide Awareness Walk/Run, taking place on Saturday, September 15th, 2018 is to provide emotional support and an outlet for those who have been affected. An estimated quarter million people each year become suicide survivors, and for every successful suicide there are an estimated 25 attempts.

The public is invited to come out and support those who have lost loved ones to suicide, as well as bring awareness and discussion to a difficult topic for the loved ones left behind, and for those who have considered suicide and struggled with mental health issues.

If you would like to be a sponsor of the event, taking place at the Sheldon Orab High School Track & Field, or if you have questions about the event, you are encouraged to contact one of the following individuals: Maria Schwarz at 712-261-0868, Staci Kleinhesselink at 712-348-1572, Rachel Kleinhesselink at 712-348-3564, or Jenni Vander Sluis at 712-631-0749. You can also fin information about the event on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/2094682040808988/.

