City Council To Hold Pair Of Public Hearings Wednesday

Sheldon, Iowa — When the Sheldon City Council meets in regular session this Wednesday, there will be a pair of public hearings on their agenda.

The first public hearing will involve a proposal to enter into a grant agreement with Children’s World for the fiscal year that begins July 1st. The second hearing will be on a Budget Amendment for the current fiscal year.

In other action, the Council is expected to approve renewal of the City’s Life & Disability Insurance coverage, as well as their ICAP Insurance (Property & Casualty Coverage) during Wednesday’s meeting.

Some of the things the Sheldon City Council will see on their Consent Agenda for this meeting will include: a resolution to approve the 28E Agreement with the Sheldon Community Schools and Northwest Iowa Community College for the Turf Project at Orab Field; a resolution to set wages and benefits for City employees for the next fiscal year; and approve the Mayor’s re-appointments for members on the Cemetery and Museum Boards, as well as the Board of Adjustment.

The Council may enter a closed session to discuss litigation matters.

Wednesday’s Sheldon City Council meeting will be called to order at 4:30 pm in Council Chambers at the Sheldon Community Services Center. As always, the meeting is open to the public. If you’d like to watch the proceedings live, you can do so via the City’s YouTube Live channel.
