Doon, Iowa — A fundraiser a few weeks ago was heralded as the last activity in the Doon Community Center, formerly the Doon School. And now Doon officials are planning for a new community center. A bond issue will be put before the voters on March 7th.
Built by the Works Progress Administration, the building served as the Doon Public School until 1959 when the Doon and Rock Rapids schools and all the rural schools in the district merged to form the Central Lyon Community School District. It then served for several years as the South Center for the Central Lyon Schools until it was closed in the 1980s and was sold to the City of Doon for a community center and library, which has been its use ever since.
The election will be on Tuesday, March 7th from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and will ask if the City of Doon should issue general obligation capital loan notes in an amount not to exceed a million and a half dollars for the construction of the new community center. Only residents of the City of Doon can vote.
Backers of the community center say a “yes” vote is saying “yes” to community pride and an investment in the future growth and development of Doon for generations to come.
Materials from the City of Doon indicate that were the resolution to pass, residential property tax would go up $7.75 per month for a $100,000 home.
For more information, you can contact the City of Doon.