7th Year for Local Summer Lunch Program

Sheldon, Iowa – With summer almost officially here, Sheldon residents will soon see what has become a familiar, well-established program resume on Monday, June 15th.

Michelle Noack, Children’s Ministry Coordinator at the Sheldon United Methodist Church took some time to talk with KIWA about what started off as a program to feed school-aged children a hot lunch over the summer seven years ago.

As above, “It’s not just for kids. Last year we had some record-breaking numbers. We had, like, 110 people that we’d served on one day. The average went up from about 50 to probably 75 last year per day. It’s quite a jump from the previous year. We’ve also served people that have come over from NCC, when they’re here from other countries and they’re going to school for nursing or things like that. And some passer-through people we’ve come visit and eat lunch.”

And indeed, they have served quite a few meals since the inception of the program…well over 10,000 meals. Noack tells us how the program will look this year, keeping social distancing practices in mind.

As above, “We’re going to serve it from 11:30 am until 12:30 pm to line up with what they’ve gotten used to, with the way the school’s doing theirs. It just makes it easier for us to get that food to the kids in a time frame that they’re used to. We’re going to do a hot lunch, served at the front door. Some of the things we’re going to have either prepackaged or have smaller to-go containers. I’m getting plastic bags from Hy-Vee and from Fareway to put the containers in so they can leave here and be able to get them home safely or wherever they’re going to go eat them.”

While the program has been fortunate enough to receive community support to fulfill this need, they can always use volunteers and donations. The church’s summer lunch program has always been run 100 percent on donations and volunteers.

As above, “Businesses have donated, personal people have donated. This year, the Archer Methodist Women applied for a grant and received a large sum and donated the entire sum to the summer lunch program, so that was quite a blessing. We actually got help from some of the ladies from our church. They’re going to be doing our cookies, so we’re just going to concentrating on the meals, getting them packaged to go. So, I think we’re going to need like six people, I’d say, to help cook and serve. I’ve got a handful of people that have committed to certain days. I’m definitely more than willing to have more volunteers come help. NCC is sending some people over on Wednesdays to help out; that’s pretty awesome.”

If you would like to volunteer or help out with the summer lunch program in any way, you can contact the Sheldon United Methodist Church at 712-324-4894.

Story by KIWA Reporter Rachel McQuirk

