Absentee Ballots Will Start Being Sent May 18th — You Can Vote In Person Starting Then Too

Northwest Iowa — If you haven’t started thinking about it yet, and you plan to vote absentee in the June 7th Primary Election, it’s probably time to start.

County Auditors’ offices in northwest Iowa have been accepting absentee ballot request forms since March 29th. But the requests cannot be fulfilled until Wednesday, May 18th. To get an absentee ballot by mail, you need to send the auditor’s office the appropriate form, filled out with your information.

You can find that form by clicking here. The deadline for absentee ballots to be requested by mail — and for voter pre-registration — is Monday, May 23rd. Mailed voted ballots must be received by the county auditor’s office by the time polls close on Election Day, June 7th.

Wednesday, May 18th is also the first day that you can vote in person at your county auditor’s office. Voting in person at the auditor’s office ends the day before election day. HOWEVER, if it’s election day and you have voted on your absentee ballot but haven’t turned it in yet, you have a choice. You can either deliver it in person to the auditor’s office, or you can surrender it at your designated polling place and vote the normal way instead.

Ballots for the Primary Election on June 7th for either party will contain candidates for one US Senator, US Representative, Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of State, Treasurer of State, State Agriculture Secretary, State Attorney General, State Representative, and some county offices. Those offices could include County Treasurer, County Recorder, and County Attorney, and perhaps County Supervisor.

