All-American Blood Drive Is Wednesday In Sibley

Sibley, Iowa — It’s time for the annual All-American Blood Drive in Sibley. It’s this Wednesday at Osceola Regional Health Center.

Executive Director of the Community Blood Bank, Ken Ver Steeg tells us about it.

Ver Steeg tells us that the meal is served right there at the hospital, and weather-permitting it will be outside, but otherwise, they have space reserved inside as well. He says walk-ins are certainly welcome, but if your time is short, you can call the hospital’s lab department at 712-754-5358 to make an appointment.

Ver Steeg says they’d like you to come with an ID, a list of the medications you’re on (most of them are OK), and a list of any foreign countries and cities you’ve been in recently. If you have any questions, you can call the lab at 712-754-5358, the Community Blood Bank at (877) 877-3070, or go to

