And They’re Off……………………………..

Sanborn, Iowa — A kids’ racing event that’s been popular nationwide for more than 65-years found its way to Sanborn earlier this week.

4th through 8th grade boys and girls from the greater Sanborn area participated in a Pinewood Derby car race on Monday night (March 12th). The race was sponsored by the Sanborn URC Cadet Club and held at the Sanborn Christian School gymnasium.

The boys and girls were tasked with producing a car from a block of wood, weighing no more than 6 ounces. While some thought a thin aerodynamic car was the key to winning, others carved their block of wood to look like a piano, violin, and Legos.

First and Second place trophies were awarded for speed by grade, overall speed, and for show. First and Second place overall was awarded to sisters, Madison and Cambrie Krikke.

If you would like more information on the Sanborn Cadet Club, contact the Sanborn URC Church.

The Pinewood Derby traces its roots back to May 15, 1953, when the first race was held at the Scout House in Manhattan Beach, California by Cub Scout Pack 280C. The derby was the brainchild of the pack’s Cubmaster, Don Murphy.

Images from the Pinewood Derby races at Sanborn may be viewed below:

Drivers & Their Cars

At the Starting Line

The Winners

Spectators filled the bleachers

