April Is Volunteer Month: Volunteer Today

Sheldon, Iowa — We are told that April is National Volunteer Month. We at KIWA celebrate and thank all those that volunteer in their community.

There are many ways you can help in northwest Iowa.

Opportunities include those in churches, nursing homes, hospitals, kids’ sports programs, service clubs, picking up trash, beautifying your community, and volunteering to serve on community boards and committees. Habitat For Humanity uses volunteers, so does the Red Cross. LOVE, INC uses volunteers. Court-Appointed Special Advocates or CASA workers are often volunteers. The Iowa DOT’s “Adopt A Highway” program uses groups of volunteers to keep our highways beautiful. Many area libraries and schools have volunteers who read to kids. The ATLAS organization uses volunteers, as do various meal programs like the Unity Meal and the Sheldon Summer Lunch Program. The Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion programs headquartered in Rock Valley serve a large portion of northwest Iowa and they are, for the most part, volunteers. Most charitable organizations use volunteers in some way. RiseFest uses a lot of volunteers every year.

Some different ways of volunteering that you may not think of include giving blood or even donating your organs.

Thank you to all the volunteers that make living in northwest Iowa not only possible, but a pleasure.



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