Area Legislators Picked For Leadership Positions

New Hartford, Iowa — Iowa House Speaker Pat Grassley, a Republican from New Hartford has announced appointments for House committee leadership positions in advance of the Ninety-First General Assembly.

Grassley says,  “In response to our agenda to introduce sound budgeting principles, reduce burdensome red tape, innovate new ways to grow a strong workforce, cut taxes, and keep our common sense on social issues, Iowans have once again grown our majority. We continue to represent all 99 of Iowa’s 99 counties and with this expansive representation, we can hear from Iowans and stay in touch with their priorities better than ever before. This group of House Republicans is ready to get to work for the people of Iowa.”

Republican District Four State Representative Skyler Wheeler of Hull will serve as chairman of the Education Committee. Wheeler represents all of Lyon and part of Sioux County.

Meanwhile, over in the Senate, Republican District 3 State Senator Lynn Evans of Aurelia, was elected as an assistant majority leader by his colleagues for the Ninety-First General Assembly.

Evans says his first two years in office were marked by some impressive accomplishments, and his goal is to, “…continue that work and assist our caucus as we start looking forward to the 2025 legislative session and the work Iowans sent us there to do.”

Senator Carrie Koelker, R-Dyersville, Senator Adrian Dickey, R-Packwood, and Senator Tim Kraayenbrink, R-Fort Dodge, were also elected as assistant majority leaders.

Evans serves the people in all of Osceola, O’Brien, and Buena Vista counties and those in parts of Clay and Cherokee counties.
