Audit Of O’Brien County Released For 2021-2022

Des Moines, Iowa — A state audit report on O’Brien County has been released, and no big issues are mentioned.

According to the report from State Auditor Rob Sand, O’Brien County’s revenues for the fiscal year that ended on June 30th, 2022 totaled just over 16 million dollars, a decrease of 26 percent from the previous year. The report says the significant drop in revenues is mostly due to a decrease in secondary road infrastructure contributed by the Iowa Department of Transportation.

Expenses for O’Brien county operations for the last fiscal year added up to a little over 13.2 million dollars, down more than ten percent from the prior year. The decrease in expenses is primarily due to a decrease in drainage district repairs.

Auditor Sand reported one finding related to the receipt and expenditure of taxpayer funds which addresses a lack of segregation of duties. The finding is repeated from the previous year, and according to other auditing experts, is quite common in smaller units of government with smaller staffs.

