B40 Between K64 And Sioux Center To Be Closed To Thru Traffic This Summer

Sioux Center, Iowa — If you live in the Sheldon area and use B40 West at Hospers to get to Sioux Center or for any other reason you use that stretch of road, you may want to listen up, as construction appears to be a popular activity this summer in Sioux County.

Officials tell us a five-and-a-half-mile overlay project will impact traffic this summer on B40, near Kinsey Elementary in Sioux Center to the four-way stop intersection at K64 north of Orange City.

Sioux County is resurfacing the aging asphalt with a six-inch concrete overlay.

This section of road is planned to be closed to through traffic all summer — from May 30th through the month of August. Only traffic traveling to and from properties along the closed route will be allowed in the construction area. The road department will set up signs to direct traffic around the project on a detour route.

Access for local traffic will be maintained to properties along the project, including Sioux Center Health and Sandy Hollow Recreation Area.

For most of the five and a half miles, the concrete will be laid on top of the existing asphalt, but the section in eastern Sioux Center will be milled down about four inches before the overlay to facilitate driveway connections. The concrete overlay will be the same width as the existing road.

Sioux County Engineer Joel Sikkema says the project contractor will be reaching out to property owners along the project and maintain communication throughout the work.

He asks people to take another route if possible.

There will be a detour in place. We’re told that starting at the B40 and K64 intersection north of Orange City, the route takes westbound traffic north on K64 to B30 (the Middleburg blacktop), then to Highway 75 to Sioux Center.

In addition to this overlay on B40, Sioux County officials tell us they are also planning three miles of six-inch concrete overlay on K42 near Siouxland Energy Cooperative west of Sioux Center this summer. That section will also be open to local traffic only during the project.

Plus, with the two Highway 75 projects going on in Sioux Center — the emergency repair project and the new road project in southern Sioux Center — it’s going to be a busy construction season in that area.

