Boaters To Hit The Waters This Memorial Day Weekend

Okoboji, Iowa — The unofficial beginning of summer is just days away and that also marks the unofficial beginning of Iowa’s boating season.

Boaters across the state are anxious to get out on the lake after the cool and wet spring and are preparing their watercraft for the long holiday weekend.

Susan Stocker, boating law administrator and education coordinator for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, says safety should be the top priority for all boaters.

In 2021, there were 33 reported boating incidents on Iowa waters: 26 of those were personal injury; 17 involved property damage, and three resulted in fatalities. None of the fatalities involved alcohol.

Stocker says, “Now is the time to review Iowa boating laws and plan to have patience at the ramp and on the water. “With the recent storms across the state, boaters should use extra caution for floating debris and higher waters.”

Stocker advised having someone on your watercraft be a lookout for large debris that is often under the water with only a small portion showing above water. It is easy to miss and can cause major damage to your vessel. Be sure to check ahead that the boat ramps are open before heading out.

Just like any party on land, boaters should plan ahead to have a designated sober operator that is cautious with speed and on the lookout for other vessels.

Another way boaters can stay on the water is by inspecting their vessels prior to heading to the lake.

Lifejackets should be in good condition and the right size for each person onboard. Check the fire extinguisher, boat and trailer lights, whistle, and throwable floatation.

Boaters are reminded about the requirement that drain plugs and other water draining devices must be removed and/or remain open during transport to avoid spreading invasive species. Anglers leaving with fish are recommended to put them on ice, whether in a cooler, a bucket, or a live well (plug must still be removed and/or opened).

For more information and safety tips, click here.

