Business Value Workshop Coming Up

Sheldon, Iowa — There’s a free workshop coming up for those who want to know what their business is worth.
adult education notebook
The “What Is My Business Worth?” workshop is planned for Thursday, April 30, 2015 from 2–4 PM at Northwest Iowa Community College in Sheldon.

While the workshop is sponsored by the Western Iowa Score Sheldon chapter, NCC and the Small Business Development Center of Iowa, any area business owner is welcome to register for this event.

Kelly McCarty, Regional Director of the Northwest Iowa Small Business Development Center tells us about the workshop.

He says Schoville will take the time to cover the common challenges of preparing your business for sale, not only to a family member or key employee, but also to an outside buyer.

McCarty says that thanks to SCORE, the class is free.

Even though it’s free, organizers would appreciate knowing who plans to attend to better plan for materials and refreshments. If you are interested in attending, you’re asked to contact Lesa Stofferan at Northwest Iowa Community College (712) 324-5061 ext.195 to reserve a seat for the workshop.

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