Sheldon, Iowa — April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Cindy Warntjes is a nurse at Sanford Sheldon, and serves as O’Brien County Best Care For Better Babies Nurse. She says that, while we like to think of rural northwest Iowa as being immune to child abuse, it does happen here.
In their effort to prevent child abuse, the Family Life Awareness Council, in conjunction with Sanford Heath, will have a booth at Monday’s Sheldon Community Meal, which begins at 6:00 Monday evening at the Living Waters Church, on 2nd Avenue in Sheldon. Warntjes says their booth will offer all kinds of information.
She talks more about the information that will be available in their booth Monday night.
If you can’t make it to Monday night’s Sheldon Unity Meal, Wantjes says there are other ways to acquire the information.
She says research show that healthy families have certain characteristics in common, and promoting these characteristics can help reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect. That includes nurturing and attachment, knowledge of child development, resilience and social connections.