City Manager Review On Council Agenda

Sheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon City Council will meet in regular session Wednesday afternoon at 4:30. Among the items on their agenda is a closed session for the purpose of a City Manager Evaluation.

The council is also scheduled for a second closed session to consider the contract with the union representing the vast majority of the City’s employees.

In other action, Sheldon’s newest Police Officer, Dan Crawley, will officially take his oath of office and be sworn in as a Sheldon police officer. Crawley began his duties in Sheldon last week.

The Sheldon City Council is also expected to take the next step toward acquiring the former Rec Bowl and Buzz-Z’s property, which is located at the intersection of Highway 18 and 3rd Avenue. The building on that property was destroyed by an arson fire on May 14, 2013. In 2015, the City cleaned up the property at taxpayer’s expense. The council is also expected to accept the resignation of Doug Rodger from the Board of Adjustment and Cemetery Board. Rodger is resigning due to a planned move out of the community.

The council is also scheduled to look at bids for the planned Street Improvement Project, as well as set a date and time for a public hearing for the USDA Rural Development Grant Application. The grant is being sought to help pay for needed emergency services equipment.

Wednesday’s meeting begins at 4:30 in Council Chambers. You can attend the meeting virtually, via Zoom, by CLICKING HERE.


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