City of Sheldon Snow Budget Takes A Small Blow With Storms

Sheldon, Iowa — The last part of December and first part of January Sheldon was hit with a couple of snow storms that made the city use a good chunk of their snow removal budget to keep the roads cleared.

Sheldon Public Works Director Todd Uhl tells KIWA that he can’t say what the actual amount was in those couple of weeks, but he can tell us what has been used within half of the fiscal year.

He explains that there is no actual snow budget.

Uhl tells us what he includes in the budget.

Though the last couple of years have been mild when it comes to the snow, this year is quite different. He says this year seems to be more a typical northwest Iowa winter, which means city streets need to be cleared more often than they were last year.

Uhl says not to worry though, they won’t run out of money for snow removal. If it gets close, he says there are some cash reserves that can be used.

