Congressman King Talks Healthcare

Steve King OfficialSheldon, Iowa — Early in his presidency, Donald Trump had a roadblock thrown into the first major priority of his term, the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.  House Republicans canceled a scheduled vote because they lacked the necessary vote to pass the bill that had been proposed.

Republican 4th District Congressman Steve King stopped by the KIWA studios Tuesday, April 18th, and we asked him if he thought there was any chance of getting healthcare legislation passed this year.

King says getting the left and right wings of the Republican party to agree has been a daunting challenge.

The Congressman says he personally believes that Congress should concentrate on repealing the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, and when that’s done they could work on a replacement.

King says President Trump has made it clear that he wants repeal and replacement of Obamacare to come to his desk at the same time.

He says that with more insurance companies pulling out of certain markets, the competition that could bring lower costs is gone.

King says the Affordable Care Act is in a death spiral, and will collapse completely sometime in the forseeable future, making it all the more important that Congress find some consensus on a healthcare plan to replace it.

