Council To Discuss Redevelopment Agreement For Sunset Motel & Garfield Avenue Projects

Sheldon, Iowa — At their last meeting the Sheldon City Council opened bids for redevelopment of the old Sunset Motel property and the lot at 1023 Garfield Avenue.  The council chose to move forward with the proposal submitted by Kerwin and Kathy Sterler.  The council directed the City Manager and City Attorney to work out the details with the Sterlers.  The draft agreement will come up for discussion at the council meeting this Wednesday February 19th.  After their review of the agreement the council will set the date for a public hearing, which is required for the sale of any city-owned property.

In other business, the council will act on a resolution that will establish a ‘Sheldon Fire Department Depreciation Fund’ to be used for future fire department needs.  The main source of revenue for the fund will be from an increase in the amount of money surrounding townships are paying for fire protection.  Grant money could also go into the fund.

The council will also set the date for a public hearing on the Fiscal Year 20-21 budget, and hear a presentation on the 2018-2019 audit from a representative of the Winther & Stave accounting firm.

The final agenda item will be in closed session to consider labor negotiations and employment conditions.

Wednesday’s meeting begins at 4:30 in the upper level of the Sheldon Community Services Center.
