Council To Hold 2nd Reading Of Sewer Rate Increase Ordinance

Sheldon, Iowa — When the Sheldon City Council meets in regular session Wednesday they’re scheduled to hold the second reading of an ordinance that would increase sewer rates for Sheldon residents . The ordinance would increase sewer rates by 3%, beginning July 1st.

In other action, the Council is expected to accept the resignation of Austin Klett as Assistant Director of the Sheldon EMA Team, set a hearing on an amendment to allow Residential Small Livestock Raising for lots with single family dwellings by Special Exception, approve a resolution approving the Rural Housing Assessment grant agreement, approve a resolution setting wages and health insurance contribution percentage for full-time non-union employees for the next fiscal year, and approve a resolution directing the acceptance of a proposal to purchase $1.1-million in General Obligation bonds for infrastructure in the Crossroads North Addition.

The Council will hold a public hearing on, and are expected to award the contract for, collection system improvements during Wednesday’s meeting. They’re also expected to set a special meeting to discuss the situation with replacing the Sheldon Fire Department’s aerial ladder truck, along with several other items of business.

The Council is scheduled to go into closed session for the purpose of a City Manager evaluation.

Wednesday’s regular meeting of the Sheldon City Council will be called to order at 4:30 pm in Council Chambers, which is located on the upper floor of the Sheldon Community Services Center.

Sheldon City Council meetings are open to the public, either in-person or online, via Zoom, by CLICKING HERE.



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