Council To Hold Public Hearing On TIF Project At Wednesday Meeting

Sheldon, Iowa — When the Sheldon City Council meets in regular session this week, they’re expected to hold a public hearing on the Dubak Electrical Contract for Development. Dubak Electrical plans to locate in the former eyeglasses lab on 16th Street, south of Rosenboom Machine & Tool.  They’re seeking TIF funding from the City for the project.

In other new business, the Council is set to take up the transfer of the only remaining lot in the Trilogy Addition, to the SCDC.  Garbage Service is also on the new business agenda for this week’s council meeting. The garbage haulers have announced that De Kruif Disposal will begin collecting all of the residential garbage in Sheldon, with Schwarz Sanitary limiting themselves to commercial garbage collection. The haulers have asked for an extension to the current contract, and the Council is expected to discuss that request at this week’s meeting.

A large portion of the Council’s agenda for this week’s meeting will be handled as part of the “Consent Agenda.” That allows the Council to vote on a number of items with a single vote. Some of this week’s Consent Agenda items include; A pay request and a change order for the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System project, a resolution directing the publication on the adoption of the proposed Code of Ordinances, Authorize the publication of a Notice of Application for Voluntary Annexation of a parcel of property, set the date and time for a public hearing for rezoning of two parcels of land southeast of the Highway 18 & 60 junction from agricultural to arterial commercial, Take up the ambulance insurance adjustments for the 1st quarter, and approve a new alcohol license for the Family Dollar Store.

This week’s regular meeting of the Sheldon City Council will be held Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 in Council Chambers at the Sheldon Community Services Center. The meeting is open to the public, but if you can’t attend in person, you can watch the meeting via YouTube Live.

To see the complete agenda for Wednesday’s meeting, CLICK HERE.



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