COVID Case Count In Hospitals Declines, But Death Rate Surging

State wide — The state website tracking coronavirus data shows while hospital numbers are improving, more Iowans have died of COVID this month than during any previous month of the pandemic.

On November 1st, there were 676 COVID patients in Iowa hospitals and that surged to more than 15-hundred by November 17th. There’s been a more than 20 percent decline in hospitalizations over the past two weeks, but the death rate is accelerating.

Nearly 28 percent of all the COVID-related deaths reported in the state during the pandemic have been confirmed by state officials this month. Sunday night the state website showed 23-hundred-75 Iowans have died of COVID.

The state website also shows a record 153 Iowa nursing homes have current coronavirus outbreaks among residents. Active infections have been confirmed among nearly 49-hundred residents and nursing home staff.

