Sheldon, Iowa — The Prairie Arts Council has received a grant toward the Baker Township School renovation project.
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) has announced that the organization will be donating $4,295 toward the project. Funding for this project was made possible through the sponsorship of the Ladies of the Lake Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution in Spirit Lake, which serves the northwest Iowa area including Sheldon.
Harold Tuttle, President of the Park Board says that they are very pleased to be receiving such a wonderful donation from DAR. He says they realize that their grant is just one of many that they made throughout the year to preserve our nation’s history. He says they feel fortunate that the DAR has chosen to provide the cement floor and finish for their basement and provide a 1936 light for the bathroom. Tuttle says as he understands it, this is the only grant in Iowa this year.
The DAR grants program was started in 2010. Funding is awarded to support projects in local communities which promote the organization’s mission of historic preservation, education and patriotism.
The award will be presented on August 23rd.
Incidentally, Baker Township is in O’Brien County, south of Sheldon. The township does not have any towns in it, but it’s just east of Hospers, and northeast of Granville.