Department Of Ed Releases Latest School Profiles

Iowa — The new Iowa School Performance Profiles show more than half of the schools in the state are in the top three designations of exceptional, high performing and commendable.

The Department of Education’s Jay Pennington says you can go online and find your school and then see how things are handled locally.

Pennington says there are many positives in the information released this past week.

At the same time there are areas of concern.

There are 468 total schools currently identified in need of targeted assistance and support, with nearly half having issues with students with disabilities.

Pennington says many schools have addressed past issues.

Pennington encourages parents and others to check out the Iowa school performance profiles on the Department of Education’s website.

As for Sheldon schools, East Elementary received an overall rating of “High Performing,” Sheldon Middle School received a rating of “Commendable,” and Shedon High School received a rating of “acceptable.

Click here to see how your school did.

