Disaster Declaration Activates Programs For O’Brien County Residents Affected

Sanborn, Iowa — We now have more information about a recent disaster proclamation for O’Brien County.

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds issued a disaster emergency proclamation last week for ten additional counties (including O’Brien County) in response to severe weather that occurred on May 21, 2024.

According to O’Brien County Emergency Management Director, Jared Johnson, the disaster declaration refers to the golf ball-sized hail that fell near Sanborn on Monday, May 20th. He says flash flooding also occurred in several areas of O’Brien County during the May 20th through 21st weather events.  Johnson says Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management rolled the weather incidents from May 20th into the weather incidents from May 21st.

The governor’s proclamation allows state resources to be utilized to respond to and recover from the effects of this severe weather and activates the Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program and Disaster Case Advocacy Program. 

The Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program provides grants of up to $5,000 for households with incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level. Grants are available for home or car repairs, replacement of clothing or food, and temporary housing expenses. Original receipts are required for those seeking reimbursement for actual expenses related to storm recovery. The grant application and instructions are available on the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management website https://homelandsecurity.iowa.gov/assistance. Potential applicants have 45 days from the date of the proclamation to submit a claim.   

The Disaster Case Advocacy Program addresses serious needs related to disaster-related hardship, injury, or adverse conditions. Disaster case advocates work with clients to create a disaster recovery plan and provide guidance, advice, and referrals to obtain a service or resource. There are no income eligibility requirements for this program; it closes 180 days from the date of the governor’s proclamation. For information on the Disaster Case Advocacy Program, contact your local community action agency or visit iowacommunityaction.org.    

The proclamation waives fees for the issuance of replacement motor vehicle registration cards, plates, and driver licenses. The proclamation also temporarily suspends regulatory provisions of the Iowa Code that pertain to procurement of goods and services, hours of service for disaster repair crews, and various requirements for the transportation of loads related to disaster repairs. Additionally, the proclamation waives fees collected by the State Registrar of Vital Statistics or a county recorder’s office associated with the replacement of records lost, destroyed, or rendered illegible as a result of the recent severe weather. 



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