Donation of Life Saving Device Made to Pavilion

Sheldon, Iowa – The Crossroads Pavilion Board met in regular session Wednesday, February 14th at 6:00 p.m. in the Sherwood Boardroom at the Crossroads Pavilion Event Center. Present were Brittany Behrendsen, Pete Hamill, Marv Van Riesen, Kevin Cain, Rob Roozeboom, Sean Hutchison, Peter Wagner, and Lora Vander Brake.

Old business discussed included an update on the calendar of confirmed bookings. Almost every Saturday in 2018 has been booked, with a few dates into 2019 already confirmed as well, and bookings for weekday events continue to come in. When asked if she knew a rough average for what a wedding brought in for the Pavilion, Behrendsen shared figures from a couple recent weddings. The average wedding so far has seen income of approximately $2,300, but a recent wedding with 400+ guests made the Pavilion over $6,000.

Hamill reported on behalf of the Special Entertainment Committee. He is continuing his endeavor to bring in the previously-discussed Killer Vees, and other contacts have been made in an effort to bring in groups that may be appearing in neighboring communities. Roozeboom has created a committee to expedite the work to get an Accessibility Expo lined up for late summer or early fall of this year, which has been met with a lot of positive feedback. Also discussed were several ideas for winter events, including an area high school swing choir/soloist competition, some kind of youth-geared event, and even the possibility of a battle of the bands concert.

Other old business discussed included the new ice machine. It was able to be set up in the kitchen without having to downgrade the freezer to make room for it. Behrendsen said she is waiting to hear from the Methodist Church about purchasing the smaller ice machine. The need for an audio/visual care plan had been tabled in the fall and is now being revisited. A plan was agreed upon and will be implemented when the current warranty expires.

In other business, Behrendsen reported that she has been informed by the Marketing Committee that the signage for the exterior of the Pavilion will be put on hold for a year due to budget cuts. This is not a decision that affects the Pavilion alone, the decision to postpone spending has been made in many areas and departments of the City.

Before the conclusion of the meeting, Hutchison was presented with a check from KIWA Radio covering the cost of a Life Pak AED, which arrived this week. Training on the use of the life-saving device is scheduled to take place next week. Walt Pruiksma, General Manager of KIWA Radio and Sheldon Emergency Management Agency (EMA) member, stated that KIWA wanted to make a meaningful contribution to the Pavilion and saw this as the perfect opportunity. The device is compatible with SCAT equipment, which is of great importance if and when an emergency arises.

The next regular meeting of the Crossroads Pavilion Board is set for Wednesday, March 14th, 2018, and will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Sherwood Boardroom at the Crossroads Pavilion Event Center.


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