Dordt University Sued By Former Student In Sex Discrimination Case

Sioux City, Iowa — Dordt University in Sioux Center is being sued by a former student, claiming sex discrimination.

The 94-page federal lawsuit, filed last week, contends that the plaintiff, who is at this time only identified as “John Doe” was a male undergraduate student in his final semester at Dordt University, and was falsely accused, in the final semester of his senior year, of sexually assaulting a fellow Dordt student, identified only as “Jane Roe,” in violation of Dordt’s student conduct code. The suit says the claim arose out of an encounter between Doe and Roe, wherein it says “both parties consumed alcohol and engaged in consensual sexual activity, which was undisputedly initiated by Roe.”

The suit alleges that Dordt officials proceeded as if this were a sexual assault perpetrated by Doe. It accuses Dordt officials of trampling on Doe’s rights during the process and delaying his appeal until it was impossible for him to graduate. It says when he tried to re-apply, Dordt officials denied him a full re-admission unless he would sign a statement saying he would not file a Title IX suit against Dordt.

Doe claims that the actions are gender-biased, contrary to Title IX, which protects people from sex discrimination at schools and universities that receive federal funds.



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