Drones To Be One Of Several Topics At Young Farmer Experience

Sutherland, Iowa — There’s going to be an opportunity coming up for young farmers in northwest Iowa. It’s an educational get-together at the Northwest Iowa Research Farm in Sutherland, and one of the topics is agricultural use of drones.
drone isu extension agriculture
We talked to Janelle Johnson with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, and she tells us about their Young Farmer program.

She says that the agricultural use of drones will be among many topics covered at the Northwest Iowa Research Farm near Sutherland.

She says while the group and the event are aimed at “young farmers,” she says no one will be cheeking your age.

The program starts at 2 PM on Thursday, July 7th, at Sutherland. If you’d like to attend, call the Plymouth County Extension office at 712-546-7835 or email janelle@iastate.edu by July 5th. You can find more information at extension.iastate.edu/plymouth.

