Early Numbers Show Opioid Deaths Down In Iowa

Statewide Iowa (RI) — The Iowa Department of Public Health reports preliminary data shows the number of deaths involving opioids fell from 137 to 89 in the first eight months of this year compared to the same time period last year. The director of the department’s Opioid Initiatives, Kevin Gabbert, says several factors are involved in the drop.

While the opioid-related deaths have dropped, Gabbert says it is only a start on addressing the problem.

The second National Drug Take-Back day was Saturday, as Iowans turned in thousands of unneeded prescription drugs. Gabbert says that is another effort that can help cut opioid deaths.

The number of opioid-related deaths started climbing in 2000 when there were 23 and rose steadily to a high of 206 in 2017. Gabbert says that state, local and federal officials have worked together on the various programs to address the rise. He says those efforts are still continuing.

He says this is preliminary data and all the numbers aren’t finalized until four to six months after the year ends. That means the effort is far from done.

Gabbert says there’s lots of help available.

To learn more about the efforts to combat opioid abuse, you can visit the IDPH website.



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