Enrollment, Student Activities Topics of School Board Meeting

Sheldon, Iowa – The Sheldon Community Schools Board met in regular session on Wednesday, October 9th at 5:00 pm in the high school library.

There were two open enrollments, two student service agreements, and two contract offers presented for consideration, all of which were approved by the Board. The middle school staff presented information in their color run fundraiser, which brought in $30,900. The event was held on Friday, September 27th, and over 200 parents came out to help or just cheer on the students.

Reports on school activities, opportunities, and testing were shared by each of the school’s three principals. Elementary school students are visiting the fire station this week as part of Fire Prevention Week and will host their Literacy Night on Tuesday, October 22nd. Several middle school students will be auditioning for the NW IA Bandmaster’s Association Honor Band next weekend. At the high school, the Intervention program for students is up and running, figures on the Pink Out fundraiser were reported, and parent teacher conferences will be scheduled to coincide with the dates set by the elementary and middle schools, on November 5th and 7th.  Additionally, Superintendent Cory Myer presented information on district enrollment numbers and on the possibility of moving the high school concession stand to allow for more space and better flow.

In new business, there were 5 applications for early graduation, all of which were approved. Board members were designated for representation to various other boards, and requests to apply for additional spending authority for Special Education and the English Language program, due to higher operating costs, were also approved by the Board. A unanimous agreement to proclaim the week of November 11th – 15th as American Education Week within the community was declared, and several maintenance improvements and updates were approved.

Due to a scheduling conflict, the next regular meeting for the Sheldon Community Schools Board is set for Monday, November 18th, 2019, at 5:00 pm in the High school library.


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