Ernst Makes Good On Visits To NW Iowa

Rock Rapids and Sibley, Iowa — Senator Joni Ernst stopped in Rock Rapids and Sibley over the weekend. We were able to ask her about a number of topics, including the bird flu, country of origin labeling, and what she calls “EPA overreach”.
Joni Ernst Rock Rapids June 2015
She says even though we’re seeing fewer and fewer new cases of the bird flu, the response has just begun, and people she’s talked to have some concerns.

She says Country of Origin Labeling started as a good thing — a way to know where your meat was coming from and a way to make sure you were buying American meat.

However, Ernst says not all Republicans share her view, including Iowa’s other Senator, Chuck Grassley.

Ernst says she’s also concerned about what she calls “EPA overreach”. We asked her about some issues that the EPA has been concerned with in the past — agriculture dust and livestock methane. She says they are still concerns, and there are several others.

Ernst made these comments after her appearance at Popkes Car Care in Rock Rapids on Saturday, June 13th.

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