Expert: Child Abuse Prevention Month — If You See Something, Say Something

Sioux Center, Iowa — Since 1983, April has been deemed Child Abuse Prevention Month by Prevent Child Abuse America, a nationwide network of state chapters that aim to prevent child abuse.

Taneil Johnson, director of the Seasons Center Family Support Center in Sioux Center talked with us a little about child abuse.

Johnson says the important thing is to know what’s happening. Ask questions.

She also says that if you need a break from your kids, take it. Family members, faith communities, or even community organizations would be happy to help if you need time to cool off.

Johnson tells us that parents shouldn’t worry that everyday bumps and bruises will be mistaken for the signs of child abuse. She says there are ways to tell the difference. And asking questions always helps get to the bottom of the issue.

Johnson tells us she thinks more emphasis should be placed on preventing child abuse and neglect.

She says the symbol for Child Abuse Prevention Month is a pinwheel, and the color is blue. She says childhood has to last a lifetime.



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