Northwest Iowa — Now is the time to get your flu shot. So say healthcare professionals.
One of the places you can get a flu shot is at the Hy-Vee Pharmacy. Sheldon Hy-Vee Pharmacy Manager, pharmacist Tracey Wylie tells us why you should consider getting a flu shot.
She says that the only groups of people that should not get a flu shot are those who are six months of age or younger, and those who have been advised not to get one by their health care provider.
Wylie tells us that since there are those who cannot or will not get a flu shot, it makes it more important for the rest of us to get one so we don’t carry the virus around the community.
Wylie tells us it’s easy to get your flu shot at Hy-Vee.
Those hours at the Hy-Vee Pharmacy again are Monday-Friday from 8 to 8, 8 to 4 on Saturdays, and 10 to 2 on Sundays.
Since no flu vaccine protects against all strains of the flu, and there is not a “cold vaccine” yet, she gives us some other tips for staying healthy and protecting the health of others.
Many other pharmacies, healthcare providers, and public health offices also offer flu shots. Contact them for more information.