Expert: Not Much Money In Trapping For Fur Right Now, But It’s Still Enjoyable

Des Moines, Iowa — The trapping season is in its few weeks across Iowa.

DNR Furbearer Biologist, Vince Evelsizer, says there are a couple of positives for those venturing out.

The drought could have an impact depending on the type of animal you are pursuing.

The season was extended from the end of January through the month of February this year. Evelsizer says you aren’t going to make a lot of money from trapping right now, but you still get enjoyment out of the process.

He says raccoons have been one of the popular animals for trappers in Iowa.

The DNR saw 15,300 furharvester licenses purchased in 2022 and Evelsizer says that number has been fairly stable over the past seven years.



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