Expert: Parents Shouldn’t Give In To Temptation Of Bribing Kids For Good Behavior

Statewide Iowa — Cabin fever may already be setting in with kids home from school for the holiday break, but a developmental psychologist recommends Iowa parents avoid giving them rewards and bribes.

Dr. Christi Bergin says if you want your children to have positive social behavior and self-esteem, don’t pay them for being good. Bergin says kids don’t learn to govern their own behavior if they’re given treats.

Bergin says giving a reward or bribe highlights the power you have over the child.

Bergin says if you want your kids to have good social graces, don’t pay them for being good. She says giving your kids an allowance is okay if it’s a specific amount of money each week or month for certain expenses, like gas for a car or their own clothing. She says being compensated for doing routine chores is not a good idea because they need to learn to contribute to a team without always asking “What’s in it for me?”

