Expert: Sexual Assault Happens Right Here And It Needs To Stop

Northwest Iowa — April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. And you can help victims of sexual assault by just having a cup of coffee or wearing jeans to work.

We talked with Katie Wischmeyer with the Centers Against Abuse and Sexual Assault or CAASA. She tells us the message they’re trying to spread during sexual assault awareness month.

She tells us about CAASA (pronounced “casa” like the Spanish word for house).

Wischmeyer tells us about the relationship between CAASA and Family Crisis Centers.

She tells us that one of the ways they are raising awareness is through “Denim Day.”

Wischmeyer tells us what to do if your organization would like to participate.

That number again is 877-362-4612. She says you can also call them and they can put on a presentation for your business or organization about what sexual violence looks like in our communities.

Wischmeyer also encourages people to remember that sexual violence occurs all around us in small-town Iowa, and it should be discussed. She says if you hear people making sexual violence jokes, help them to correct that because it is an epidemic that happens everywhere.

Another fundraiser they’re doing is called “Coffee for a Cause.” Several coffee shops have ways you can support CAASA in order to help survivors and raise awareness to stop sexual violence.
