Fall Back — Daylight Saving Time Ends Early Sunday

Northwest Iowa — Unless you want to be an hour early for church Sunday morning, you probably should set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night. Daylight Saving Time ends for 2023 early Sunday morning.

Some devices such as certain electronic clocks, newer car radios, computers, smartphones, and so forth change on their own, as long as they are set to observe Daylight Saving Time and they’re not so old that they make the change on the wrong date.

Here in the United States Daylight Saving Time began over a hundred years ago — in 1918 with the Calder Act, which was implemented to help conserve fuel during WWI.

The Uniform Time Act, which was signed in 1966 by President Lyndon Johnson, established a uniform Daylight Saving time across the country, and U.S. possessions. But in 2005, President George W. Bush signed into law the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which extended Daylight Saving Time by four weeks, beginning in 2007.

There have been proposals throughout the years, both at the federal and at the state level, to do away with all the clock switching. But nothing has changed yet. So we still change our clocks, twice a year.

Several areas of the United States don’t observe Daylight Saving Time, including Hawaii and Arizona. Many other countries also change time depending on the season, but not all on the same date. Some southern hemisphere countries change their time in the opposite direction because their summer is during our winter.

For us here in northwest Iowa, it’s time to “Fall Back” and turn the clocks back one hour. The time will officially change at 2:00 a.m. Sunday, November 5th. There will be two 2:00 a.m. hours on Sunday. 2:00 Daylight Time and 2:00 Standard Time. Again, “Fall Back” on Saturday night.

