Feenstra And Virgil Tout SAF, Spar Over RFS In Cherokee

Cherokee, Iowa — Both Congressman Randy Feenstra and Kevin Virgil, the Republican challenging Feenstra in next week’s Primary Election, agree sustainable jet fuel made from corn or soybeans could be a huge boost to Iowa’s economy.

The candidates answered questions at a forum in Cherokee yesterday (Thursday) that was sponsored by the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association and broadcast by KTIV-TV. Feenstra told the group boosting the production of sustainable jet fuel could quadruple the output from Iowa ethanol and biodiesel plants.

Virgil says the fuel has great potential for Iowa, but the federal tax credits being made available require the grain to come from fields with cover crops and other conservation measures.

Virgil says he’s generally against government intervention in free markets and the Renewable Fuels Standard that mandates ethanol and biodiesel production should be phased out.

Feenstra says the Renewable Fuels Standard needs to be expanded, not ended.

Feenstra says ending the ethanol production mandate would destroy the ag industry.

Feenstra, a former state senator from Hull, is seeking a third term in the US House. Virgil is an Army veteran and former CIA officer who owns a software company. In December, he moved back to the farm near Sutherland where he grew up and in early January announced he was challenging Feenstra in this year’s GOP Primary.


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