Feenstra Introduces Bill That Would Impose Sanctions On China For COVID Virus

Washington, DC — This area’s Congressman has introduced a bill that would impose sanctions on China for the COVID virus.

According to Congressman Randy Feenstra of Hull, after the U.S. Department of Energy and FBI assessments that the COVID-19 virus likely originated and leaked from a Chinese virology lab, Feenstra introduced legislation to hold foreign countries accountable for conducting negligent and dangerous chemical and biological experiments that threaten public health and global security.

More specifically, the Holding Countries Accountable for Negligent Chemical and Biological Programs Act would amend the Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination (CBW) Act of 1991 to impose sanctions on foreign nations whose chemical and biological programs are found to operate with “gross negligence.” It would also expand the existing system of sanctions under the CBW Act of 1991 to include countries that handle hazardous chemicals or biological programs with extreme carelessness, according to Feenstra’s office.

Feenstra says, “As Republicans have correctly articulated for the last three years, the COVID-19 virus originated in a Chinese virology lab in Wuhan, causing nearly 7 million deaths. Foreign countries – especially China – that weaponize their experimental chemical and biological programs against public health and global security must be held accountable for their crimes.” He says that in light of assessments by the Department of Energy and the FBI that the COVID-19 virus leaked from a Chinese lab, he is “…proud to introduce legislation that will impose ruinous sanctions on our enemies for conducting negligent chemical experiments and spearheading other careless biological programs.” He goes on to say, “It’s shameful that China unleashed the worst pandemic in more than a century on the American people and the world while stonewalling investigations into its origins. My bill will finally make the CCP pay a significant price.”

