Feenstra Invites HS Students To Submit Artwork for Congressional Art Competition

Washington, DC — Congressman Randy Feenstra (R-Hull) has announced that high school students across Iowa’s 4th Congressional District are invited to submit their artwork for the 2023 Congressional Art Competition.

Feenstra’s office tells us the competition is conducted by members of the U.S. House of Representatives to encourage students from across the country to express their artistic talents.

One winner will have the opportunity to attend a congressional reception honoring artwork from across the country in Washington, D.C. The winner will also have his/her artwork displayed in the U.S. Capitol for one year. Three runners-up will have their artwork displayed in Feenstra’s district offices in Sioux City, Fort Dodge, and Council Bluffs.

Feenstra says that thCongressional Art Competition offers Iowa students the opportunity to showcase their artistic talents at the U.S. Capitol for all to see. He says, “I encourage high school students in the 4th District to participate in this rewarding competition and look forward to seeing all the different submissions.”

Artwork will be judged based on the following criteria:

· Originality
· Concept
· Technique
· Creativity
· Representation of Iowas 4th District

Artwork submissions can be mailed to the district office in Fort Dodge:

Congressman Randy Feenstra
723 Central Avenue
Fort Dodge, IA 50501

Submissions may also be made by emailing a minimum of two pictures of the artwork to Emily Schwickerath: Emily.Schwickerath@mail.house.gov. Submitted artwork photos must be clear and taken from multiple angles. The artist should take pictures in a well-lit environment without stands.

All artwork submissions are due April 28, 2023 at 5 PM CT. One winner and three runners-up will be announced on May 8th.

All questions can be directed to Emily Schwickerath at Emily.Schwickerath@mail.house.gov or (515) 408-9097. Further instructions and rules related to the art piece itself can be found by visiting Feenstra’s websiteStudents must include a student release form with their artwork submission to be considered, which can be found by clicking HERE.

