Find Out How You Can Create Monarch & Pollinator Habitat

Sheldon, Iowa — Pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, have been experiencing significant population declines in recent years. This is a concern because over 75 percent of all flowering plants in the world require a pollinator to reproduce. You can find out how you can help and find out about incentives to planting pollinator-friendly habitat at a workshop this week in Sheldon.

Iowa State University (ISU) Extension and Outreach and Pheasants Forever (PF) will host a workshop focused on creating habitat for Monarchs and pollinators. The program is free and open to the public, and will be held Wednesday, Feb. 28 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Northwest Iowa Community College, Building A, Room 117 in Sheldon.

Experts tell us that one out of every three bites of food we eat is influenced by pollinators. Pollinators are also important for crops such as alfalfa and soybeans.

Troy Davelaar, Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist with Pheasants Forever, Inc. and Quail Forever tells us about the workshop where you can find out what you can do to better support pollinators.

The pollinator connection to Pheasants Forever may not be one that you would make right away, but Davelaar says it does make sense.

Davelaar says they aren’t asking farmers to take productive land out of rotation to put in pollinator habitat.

Davelaar says he’ll also talk about some incentives available to farmers to help them put in pollinator habitat. Davelaar will discuss USDA, state and local cost-share programs available for creating pollinator habitats.

Meanwhile, Beth Bunkers, Program Assistant with ISU Extension and Outreach in Sioux and O’Brien Counties, will share information on the Monarchs on the Move Challenge. In her role, Bunkers works with teens across the state who are teaching other youth about the Monarch butterfly and its survival.

ISU Extension and Outreach Horticulture Educator Margaret Murphy will also be on-hand to share resources with home gardeners who wish to implement or add more pollinator-friendly landscape to their home or farm.

For more information and/or to reserve your spot at the workshop, RSVP to Davelaar at 605-321-8828 or RSVPs are preferred, but not required.



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