Fling Into Spring Craft, Art, & Vendor Fair To Be Saturday In Sheldon

Sheldon, Iowa — Your chance to welcome spring and maybe find some unique or popular items is coming up this weekend in Sheldon.

Sheldon Chamber Director Shantel Oostra tells us about it.

(as said) “This Saturday we are holding our Fling In The Spring Art, Craft, and Vendor Fair. It will be held out at Crossroads Pavilion from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. And we have 30 different vendors that will be coming with anywhere from homemade crafts to Tupperware to Tastefully Simple… different food products and craft products and jewelry… and all kinds of good things.”

She encourages people to come to Sheldon and make a day of it.

(as said) “It would be a great day to you know, just gather your friends and family and come out to Sheldon and see what all of Sheldon has to offer, you know, grab a cup of coffee and join us out at the Pavilion. You can head out for lunch at any one of our local restaurants and continue your day of shopping right here in our downtown.”

Oostra says masks are encouraged but not required, and social distancing is also encouraged.

For more information, you can call the SCDC office at 712-324-2813.



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