Sibley, Iowa — Details are still sketchy, but four people were arrested on felony robbery charges this weekend in Sibley.
The Osceola County Sheriff’s Office reports that on Sunday (August 21, 2016), their deputies arrested 35-year-old Jose Manuel Maldonado Castillo of Sibley on charges of Robbery in the 1st Degree, a class B Felony; two counts of alleged Assault while Participating in a Felony; Going Armed with Intent; Interference with Official Acts with a Dangerous Weapon; and Unauthorized Possession of a Dangerous Weapon, all class D Felonies.
Osceola County Deputies also arrested 25-year-old Peter Nazario Alvira of Sibley, and 55-year-old Pedro Juan Figueroa Rios and 38-year-old Nicomedes Montanez Cruz, both of Sioux City, and charged them all with Robbery in the 1st Degree, a class B Felony.
The arrests stemmed from an investigation in Sibley. No further details were made available.