Fresh Food Box Distribution Is At 6 pm Tuesday Night In Sheldon and Sibley

Sheldon, Iowa — The United States Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with Honor God Ministries and Rise Ministries, both of Sheldon, will be holding a Fresh Food Box Distribution this Tuesday, October 27th.

The free distribution had originally been scheduled to take place at the RiseFest grounds, but due to the recent snowfall it has been moved to the parking lot of Living Water Community Church, which is located across from Iowa State Bank, on 2nd Avenue in Sheldon.

Organizers say the distribution will begin at 6:00 Tuesday afternoon (not 4:30 as previously stated)  and will continue until the food boxes are gone. There are no restrictions or requirements in order to get one of the fresh food boxes.

Each box contains approximately 22 pounds of fresh produce, dairy and meat products.

Again, the USDA Fresh Food Box Distribution will begin at 6:00 Tuesday afternoon at the Living Water Community Church parking lot in Sheldon, and will continue until the boxes are gone.


In Sibley the USDA free food distribution originally scheduled for 4-6 at the Sibley Christian Reformed Church at 115 Maple Drive  has also  been delayed to 6:00 PM.



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