Friends Of Blood Run To Hold 3rd Annual Blood Run 5K Trail Run/Walk

Northwest Iowa — Registration is now open for the Friends of Blood Run 5K Trail Run/Walk, which will take place on Saturday, July 15th.

Steve Simons with the Lyon County Economic Development says this is the third year for this annual 5K. He tells us last year there were about 30 walkers/runners who participated and this year he is hoping it’s at least that number if not more. According to Simons, check-in for this event will be at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 15th, at Granite Mercantile. He says after check-in everyone will go out to the Blood Run Historic Landmark where the 5K will take place. Simons tells us the scenery around the landmark is gorgeous and many walkers/runners say they loved seeing nature as they participate in the 5K.

Simons tells us about registration.

For online registration, you can visit Friends of Blood Run. Online registration closes on June 30th.

Picture courtesy of Friends of Blood Run.

