Funding Available For Cover Crops, Other Practices

Northwest Iowa — If you are a farmer or landowner and you’re interested in reducing soil erosion, improving soil health and water quality, creating or protecting wildlife habitat, and treating other resource concerns, you have until Friday, October 19th to be considered for EQIP. Actually, signup is continuous, but Friday is the last day for this “batch.”

Paul Goldsmith, EQIP coordinator for Iowa for the Natural Resources Conservation Service or “NRCS” tells us about EQIP.

Goldsmith says you can sign up for EQIP any time, but they do have a “batching date” on Friday. He tells us what that means.

According to Goldsmith, there are several practices eligible for funding. He tells us about the more common ones in northwest Iowa.

He tells us about the timeline if you are interested in funding for cover crops.

Their next “batching date” is in the middle of March, according to Goldsmith.



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